The collection takes inspiration from a significant date, April 1985, which provided the artist’s generation with a newfound understanding of the world. The establishment of libraries and access to public knowledge from various cultural institutions enabled them to access a wealth of information that paved new paths for their development, equipping them with the tools necessary to understand the world around them.
بينما كان الفنان يستكشف ذلك، بدأت أفكار أخرى تتصل ببعضها وتبني على بعضها البعض، على سبيل المثال، فن الشوارع، والركشات، والحافلات، وهو شكل فني يحمل نكهة كوميدية بدلاً من كونه محاولة لفهم الظواهر الاجتماعية.
The artist’s artistic creation is, therefore, a congregation of many parts, each forming a window for other creations, and this is evident in this latest collection. Just like life, it starts with small parts that grow bigger as we continue to explore it.
إن إنشاء هذه المجموعة ليس منفصلاً عن الأعمال التي سبقتها. بل هي استمرار لرحلته كفنان، يسعى لدفع حدود الإبداع بطرق لا تخطر على بال.
Abdelmgeid Afifi, a true son of Burri, Khartoum State, was born in 1966 with an intrinsic knack for creativity. Raised and schooled in Burri, his passion for art flourished from an early age. His teacher, Omer El-Nujoomi, saw in him the potential for an art career, a belief that paved the way for Afifi’s illustrious journey in the world of art.
In 1990, Afifi received a Further Education diploma in drawing and painting from the Department of Drawing and Painting. Soon after that, he began showcasing his work in galleries, starting with his first exhibition in 1991 at the British Council. It was a resounding success that proved to be a springboard for many more solo and group exhibitions in Sudan and France. Afifi’s talent was not only recognized by the community, but international accolades soon followed. In 1996, he received the Egyptian Triennale Graphic Art Prize, and in 1998, he received the first prize from Sudan and Great Britain.
رجل متواضع، استلهم عفيفي من العديد من الفنانين ومعلمي الفن الذين وجهوه ودعموه في رحلته الفنية. من بينهم عبد الرحمن شنجال، وأحمد الماردى، وأحمد الطيب، وطه العتا، وحاتم كوكو، والعديد من الآخرين. هؤلاء المعلمون غرسوا فيه تقديراً عميقاً لبيئته، والتي تعتبر مصدراً دائماً للتحفيز في فنه.
Afifi believes that an artist’s work should be ever-evolving, constantly pushing them to explore new techniques and mediums. He has been a steadfast member of numerous local organizations that are working towards bettering the community. It is clear to see that he does not only create art for art’s sake; instead, he believes in engraving the values of art in the Sudanese community and ensuring the Sudanese people own artworks.
بشكل عام، يُعد عبدالمجيد عفيفي فناناً موهوباً بشكل ملحوظ، يلهم ليس فقط أبناء وطنه بل أيضاً عشاق الفن في جميع أنحاء العالم. يرسم بشغف يتسم بخصوصية فريدة، وتُعد أعماله تكريماً لوطنه والثقافة التي تجري في دمه.